From One-Man-Show to a World-Class Brand: Web design Journey

Collaborating with 10 talented FLUX students, we had the honor to take part in taking the 14.2 million subscribers channel Hacksmith to the next level. As they expand and do crazier and cooler things over time, they need some experts to design a world-class website that can become their face for the audience and potential partners (big fancy brands). Hacksmith takes fictional ideas from comics, movies & video games and makes real working prototypes. They empower young people to be curious about science, technology, and engineering.

Brand Strategy
Brand Guidelines
Webflow Development

In this project we worked with a full process from strategy to developing. After a detailed discussion about who they are, their audience, goals and dreams, we took notes and delivered a complete brief which guided us during the design of the product - the site map, interactions and buttons, and the representative appearance.